The YITEG project (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game Design) aims to initiate a participatory and empowering process oriented to action-learning in which groups of young people already active in SSE map the practices of Transformative Economies (TEs) and co-design pedagogical tools, which translate into a game about TEs and a manual.
The objective of this project is to enable young people to acquire skills, establish community links at local and European level and engage – as agents of change – in promoting common values and practices of Transformative Economies.
If you want to learn more about it join our online course!
(Available in English)
The YITEG project (Youth Impacting Transformative Economies through Game Design) aims to initiate a participatory and empowering process oriented to action-learning in which groups of young people already active in SSE map the practices of Transformative Economies (TEs) and co-design pedagogical tools, which translate into a game about TEs and a manual.
The objective of this project is to enable young people to acquire skills, establish community links at local and European level and engage – as agents of change – in promoting common values and practices of Transformative Economies.
If you want to learn more about it join our online course!
(Available in English)