Local Economy and Local Development
Creating and securing a lively local economy through
ESS means enhancing the deep ties with the territory, with the history, culture, vocations of its
inhabitants and the natural environment that characterizes it. This approach does not want to
have a look at the past, but instead wants to encourage innovation (even technological)
engagement on a solid foundation, promoting culture, training (even professional), especially in
younger generations. Local economy is not a closed economy but a people-based and
community-based economy capable of dialogue and interaction with economies of different
scale (regional, national, international). The expression local development is used to indicate a
wide variety of cultural, scientific, and political positions; diversity with theoretical and
methodological references; a variety of practices and examples. Local development is a
qualitative increase in the capacity of the territory to act, react, plan and manage complex
situations. At the local population level, development is identified as an increase in personal
freedoms due to the increase in "capability" (Amartya Sen: learning ability). To read local
development, we can not only look at aspects such as local GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or
the growth of economic transactions, but we need to look at complex social and political
aspects which lead to a rise in living standards that the market alone could not do it. Through
co-operation between actors and the creation of stable network of actors over time, the capacity
for vision and action increases. It will thus be possible to meet not only the basic needs of the
population, but also to promote quality of life and social relations and care and safeguard of the
natural environment. SSE organisations can flexibly adapt to local development needs. Not
committed to maximising financial profit, SEE organisations can take into consideration the
values and expectations of actors in the field of local development, and the long-term effects of
decisions, as well as define actual development strategies.