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SSE is based on values and principles of solidarity guiding collective action. SSE principles are the breeding-ground to advocate the recognition of others as the foundation of human action and its core collective dimension, the need for a sustainable development care- taking of nature and its ecosystems, as well as the source of the renovation of politics, economy and society. The social solidarity economy includes activities and organisations of associative, cooperative, and mutual nature created to respond to the needs of the planet, a sustainable development, as well as those citizen movements geared toward democratizing and transforming the economy (Source: CHARTER OF RIPESS, approved by the Board of Directors of RIPESS in Montevideo, October 20, 2008.).


Sector of Activity

In economics with the term economic sector, there is an indication of each possible way of pooling different economic activities according to common features. An important classification is the one that distinguishes the primary sector (agriculture), the secondary (industry) and the tertiary (services); there is also a fourth sector that is that of the so- called advanced tertiary, that of high technology.

Social Auditing

The social accounting and audit framework involves three steps for a SSEO. The first step is about an organisation clarifying its mission, objectives and related activities, and the values and principles that under-pin all its actions, as well as identifying its key stakeholders. The second step involves recognising the quantitative and qualitative indicators that enable the enterprise to report effectively on its performance and impact against its stated mission, objectives and values through data collection and consulting appropriately with its key stakeholders. The third step is about bringing all the collected information together into social accounts that are then verified by an independent panel that, once satisfied, issues a social audit statement.

Social Capital

Social capital is an important resource and can be used in setting up and developing SSEOs. Social Capital is all of these concrete elements and it evolves through relationships between people and organisations:

  • Trust: having relations of trust with people and organisations so that you feel confident and comfortable working with them;
  • Reciprocity and mutuality: having the sort of relations with people and organisations which mean that you do something for them without expecting immediate payback; that you help each other out; that you are prepared to work together on schemes of common advantage;
  • Social networks: being in touch with a wide range of people and organisations so that you get to know them; to learn to trust them and work together; to give and get information;
  • Shared norms of behaviour: realising that you share ideas with others of how things should be done; that you can build a common vision; that you broadly agree on what is acceptable and what is not;
  • Sense of commitment and belonging: realising that sharing a commitment to an area or to a group can uncover a shared understanding of issues and lead to a common sense of purpose.

Social Economy

In the French/Latin speaking areas, social refers to the type of ownership by individual persons and not by shareholders, functioning on the principle of “one person, one vote”. In the English speaking areas social economy is also known as the “third sector: “social” relates to the purpose or the sector of activity, such as day-care, health, care of the elderly, etc. As such, the third sector is positioned between the private for-profit (businesses) and public (state-led public investments and redistribution processes) sectors. In both definition, cooperatives, mutuals, association and non-profits as well as charities and foundations are included. While Social economy is based on shared principles of cooperation, workers' democratic engagement and environmental sustainability, it is usually part of the Market economy and does not challenge it in a transformative way.

Social Enterprise Planning

Setting up SSEOs is different from establishing traditional enterprises. With SSEO enterprises and with organisations operating in the Local Social Economy, it is a social process in itself which may take time. Social enterprises often start by identifying a need or needs within a locality. The needs of a population can be explored using some form of ‘Needs and Resource Analysis’. A social enterprise should write a Social Enterprise Plan which should cover a long number of aspects. It includes topics like conventional business plans but also special ones like social management, social marketing, and social auditing.

Social enterprise/entrepreneurship:

A social enterprise/entrepreneurship is related to “the creation of a social value that is produced in collaboration with people and organisations from the civil society who are engaged in social innovations that usually imply an economic activity". They are for-profit or non-profit organisations acting on a market and providers of welfare services, seeking social impact of their actions and activities, applying commercial strategies that include social value.

Social Finance

May be understood as a broad area Where in various forms of capital are structured in ways that consider and value both financial performance and social value creation. Social finance or social investment should have the following characteristics:

  • Is at least nominally repayable;
  • Pursues an accountable social, cultural or environmental purpose;
  • Is autonomous of the state;
  • Has the mission of the investee as the principle beneficiary of any investment;
  • Is transparent about assessing, measuring and reporting the social impact it seeks to create;
  • Is structured to create financial value or organisational or community capacity over time, e.g. by helping the investee invest in growth, acquire an asset, strengthen management, generate income and/or make savings, and by providing wider non- financial support;
  • Is inclusive.

Social Impact

The social benefit derived from the activities of a social purpose organisation.

There are more definitions regarding social impact or social value, as:

  • By social impact, we mean any of the great variety of changes in physiological states and cognitions and beliefs, values and behaviour human or animal, as a result of the real, implied, or imagined presence or actions of other individuals. (Latané, 1981);
  • By social impact we mean the consequences to human populations of any public or private actions that alter the ways in which people live, work, play, relate to one another, organize to meet their needs and generally act as a member of society. To the norms, values, and beliefs that guide and rationalize their cognition of themselves and society. (Burdge & Vanclay, 1996);
  • Social value is created when resources, inputs, processes or combined to generate improvements in the lives of individuals or society as a whole (Emerson et al., 2000.

Social Marketing

Alcalay and Bell (2000) use a variety of definitions of social marketing to describe their commonalities and arrive at a consensus definition. First, social marketing is a label that is generally applied to programs that are deemed by authority figures to be beneficial to individuals and society in general. Second, there is no financial profit from implementing a social marketing campaign. Third, the ultimate goal is behaviour change, not just education and awareness. Fourth, those using social marketing attempt to incorporate the unique knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of the stakeholders into their campaigns. Fifth, they attempt to not only influence the relevant individuals, but also social structures that may be preventing individuals from achieving the focal goals. And finally, there is a reliance on commercial marketing concepts, such as consumer-driven strategy to offering product, price, positioning, promotion, and placement.

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