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A novel study shows how local agroecology can feed all Euro-peans. In September 2018 the French IDDR Institute published a study highlighting the possible consequences of an agroeco-logical restructuring of European agriculture.Agroecology could ensure the food sufficiency of the European population (based on the estimated rise of population to 530 million people in 2050). What is the prerequisite for this change? Healthy eating habits! More cereals, fruit, vegetables and pro-tein-containing plants and fewer animal products.Applying agroecology would eliminate the need of using chemi-cal pesticides and mineral fertilizers, and improve sustainability without impairing the productivity. It would prevent the loss of biodiversity and conserve natural resources, as well as contrib-uting to significant decrease of agriculture-related greenhouse gasses emissions (down to 40%).

Would you like to read the whole study? Here you can download it for free:

Watch a short video about successful application of agroecology principles in Cuba:

Modifié le: vendredi 23 avril 2021, 11:56